Archivo de la categoría: Cocina


Tocino confitado con maple picante

Ingredientes: ½ C. miel de maple ¼ C. azúcar morena 1 cucharada sopera de mostaza de dijon ¼ cucharada …

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categorías: Cocina, George Duran, Recetas George Duran | Tags : bacon, breakfast, george duran, maple | 5 commentaires

(English) Three Tips to a Perfectly Cooked Fish

(English) Grilling fish can be a difficult task to undertake. We want that crispy skin without overcooking, but the …

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categorías: Cocina, George Duran, Asar, Recetas | Tags : COOKINA, fish, george duran | 1 commentaire
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(English) Get to Know Chef George Duran

(English) We sat down with our new spokesperson and chef, George Duran, and asked a few questions to get …

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categorías: Cocina, Comida, George Duran, Asar | Tags : Cocina, george duran, grilling tips | 14 commentaires
cookina b2s

(English) Back to School Snack Ideas

(English) This time of the year is always hectic with school in full swing! Save yourself and your family …

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categorías: Cocina, Comida | Tags : back to school, banana chips, beet chips, cinnamon Apple Chips, healthy snack, pita chips, sweet potato chips | 4 commentaires

(English) 3 Most Popular Summer Recipes for a Grill Out

(English) Believe it or not, we are right in the midst of summer! It is time to relax, and …

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categorías: Cocina, Comida, Asar | Tags : Coconut Grilled Corn Recipe, Maple Grilled Salmon recipe, peaches and cream pound cake panini, popular summer recipe, Summe recipes | 1 commentaire
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